The Super Fun Teacher Workshop
The "Super Fun Teacher Workshop" is a practical workshop designed to equip teachers with a variety of engaging games and fun activities tailored for different ages (Young learners, teenagers, and adults) and levels . These activities are easy to implement in the classroom, enhancing the learning experience.. This workshop was recognized as one of the best workshops in the ESL Algeria International Conference that was held in Oran in April, 2023. and sponsored by the U.S Embassy. This time, the workshop returns to TEFLers Academy in Bab Ezzouar, Algiers with extended hours (5 hours instead of the previous 1 hour and 30 minutes). This longer workshop will provide you with even more games and activities to make learning more fun, engaging, and satisfying for both students and teachers. Don't miss this golden opportunity, seats are very limited!
Who can attend this workshop?
This workshop is suitable for:
1-Experienced and novice English teachers
2-English university students and graduates
3-Teachers of other foreign languages who have a good understanding of the English language (Minimum B1) as these games can be applied in teaching other foreign languages.

Date, time, and location:
It is a one-day 5-hour workshop:
No available dates for now
Location: TEFLers Academy, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria

Discounted to 4500 DA only!

A certificate of attendance is to be given to each attendee at the end of the workshop

How to register?
Method 1
Register directly at the Academy's headquarter in Bab Ezzouar by:
1-Filling out a registration form that is to be given to you at the reception desk of the Academy.
2- Submitting a copy of your ID card.
3- Paying the workshop fees (4500 DA)
Method 2
1-Fill out the pre-registration form below
2-You will receive a reply via email within 48 hours with our CCP and Baridimob number. You will also receive a phone call to confirm your reception of the email (Please check the spam folder)
3-Make the payment and send us proof of payment (CCP receipt or Baridimob transaction) as well as a scanned version or clear picture of your ID card.